A roundhouse kick, or the state of PHP

Last week the usual round of PEAR-bashing on Twitter took place, then this morning Marco Tabini asked if PHP (core) was running out of scratches to itch. He also suggests he got this idea from Cal Evan’s blog post about Drupal forking PHP. http://blog.tabini.ca/2011/04/is-php-running-out-of-itches-to-scratch/ http://blog.calevans.com/2011/04/07/four-reasons-why-drupal-should-fork-php/ [Not submitting to your linkbait.] Pecl and PHP So first off — moving libraries from the core to an external repository was done for various reasons....

April 12, 2011 · 7 min


Yelling, sometimes also referred to as shouting, is an old school management technique. Yelling has been around for literally as long as mankind walked on planet earth. And despite a great history of success, yelling is still often unappreciated and a misunderstood art. key points Let me summarize the key points — what yelling is all about! Yelling emphasizes one’s opinion. Yelling helps to bring across your point. Yelling helps to avoid mis-communication....

April 8, 2011 · 1 min

The demand web

I read a blog entry this morning entitled “The unbearable lameness of web 2.0” (scroll down for the English version). In his blog entry Kris Köhntopp states how he’s not satisfied with the status quo, and of course that he said it all before — in a nutshell, he wants a social networking standard which is adhered to across all platforms, e.g. Twitter, Facebook and whatever else there is in between....

November 27, 2010 · 3 min