Wieso zum Teufel benutzt DU keine Versionskontrolle?

(This post is entirely in German, I’ll see if I can translate this rant later.) Also, Prost und frohes Neujahr — ich starte das neue Jahr damit etwas emotionalen Ballast aus dem alten Jahr loszuwerden! Ab und an treffe ich wieder auf Kunden und Kollegen mit denen ich vor relativ langer Zeit — fünf oder sechs Jahren oder länger — zusammengearbeitet habe. Die Zeitspanne ist deshalb wichtig weil ich generell daran Interesse habe immer wieder oder zumindest des öfteren mit jemandem zusammenzuarbeiten, wenn die Zusammenarbeit erfolgreich war....

January 5, 2010 · 5 min

CouchDB: checkpointing on view building

I’m posting about this tidbit because Google seemed to know nothing about it. Anyway, during the view building process, we may see the following in the couchdb.log (level = info, at least, in local.ini): [...] [info] [...] checkpointing view update at seq 78163851 for citations _design/erlang [...] [debug] [...] New task status for citations _design/erlang: Processed 17844590 of 107444308 changes (16%) [...] [debug] [...] New task status for citations _design/erlang: Processed 17848060 of 107444308 changes (16%) [....

November 4, 2009 · 2 min

Small notes on CouchDB's views

I’ve been wrestling with a couple views in CouchDB currently. This blog post serves as mental note to myself, and hopefully to others. As I write this, i’m using 0.9.1 and 0.10.0 in a production setup. Here’s the environment: Amazon AWS L Instance (ami-eef61587) Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty) CouchDB 0.9.1 and 0.10.0 database size: 199.8 GB documents: 157408793 On to the tips These are some small pointers which I gathered by reading different sources (wiki, mailing list, IRC, blog posts, Jan …)....

October 21, 2009 · 4 min

Subversion dumps

This week, we just had it. The current provider we pay to host our subversion repositories is just unbearable, and so we decided to move (on) to [Unfuddle][3]. Our reason to move to Unfuddle is that they offer everything we need (and more, e.g. Git), at a pretty good price. I also heard Unfuddle a 100 times when I shopped for a recommendation. And on top of all the features, they also kick butt at support and for example offered to import our repositories right away....

July 18, 2009 · 2 min

PHP FastCGI woes!

Those of you who run high traffic websites, have probably tried php-cgi/fcgi down the road. And most of us, have gone back to Apache. But now — actually since the middle of 2007 — there’s light at the end of the tunnel. I read a blog post by Evert Pot’s last night (Apache speed and reverse proxies). Evert noted that he tried to use Lighttpd and php-fcgi, all the infamouse tricks with spawn-fcgi....

January 26, 2009 · 2 min