BEPHPUG: Debugging mit Eclipse und Xdebug

Mostly German content ahead! Die Berliner PHP Usergroup trifft sich am 5. August, ab 20:30 Uhr, in der Z-Bar. Thema: Debugging mit Eclipse und Xdebug (Vortragender: Marthin Rothenberger) Adresse: Teilnahme: kostenlos ( In English: The next meetup of the Berlin PHP Usergroup will take place on the 5th August, 2009. We’ll meet at Z-Bar, at around 8:30 PM. This meetup’s topic is Debugging with Eclipse and Xdebug. Feel free to join....

July 29, 2009 · 1 min

So you want some work for free?

So last night, we had one of those Berlin PHP usergroup meetings without a speaker/talk and some of us decided to meet anyway for a drink and chat. So at first, there were three of us and then we met two people from a new startup who asked if they could join in. And so it began. Enter spiel These two people (from the startup) told us right away (I think before taking a seat), that they are looking for people who are interested in working for a startup....

June 3, 2009 · 4 min

OMG! It's the PHP <strike>Meat</strike> BBQ Tour!

Mmmhhhh!!! Just kidding of course. ;-) I’m sure you’ve already read Ulf Wendel’s blog post about the PHP BBQ Tour. And as you noticed, he’ll be in town Berlin on the 18th June. What better opportunity is there to come out and share a Bratwurst (or a veggie-dog) with a couple people from the local PHP usergroup, and MySQL Sun (Oracle?) and other known PHP folks such as PHPUnit’s Sebastian Bergmann and Mayflower’s Bjoern Schotte....

May 26, 2009 · 2 min

Great success!

Even though I didn’t like the Borat movie very much, I still like to use his line, Great success!. But on to more important things! ;-) Last weekend, we — the Berlin PHP UserGroup (and Christian Weiske from Leipzig) — took part in what some people labeled the European PHP TestFest 2009. In a nutshell, we were writing tests to cover different PHP extensions. Here’s the outcome (numbers courtesy of Falko Menge):...

May 11, 2009 · 1 min

Slides: Testing (with) PHP

German content: These are my slides from the BEPHPUG user group meeting (2009/05/06). I hope these help others to get an overview on testing with PHP and PHP itself. I certainly hope it’s all correct too! :-)

May 7, 2009 · 1 min