PHP FastCGI woes!

Those of you who run high traffic websites, have probably tried php-cgi/fcgi down the road. And most of us, have gone back to Apache. But now — actually since the middle of 2007 — there’s light at the end of the tunnel. I read a blog post by Evert Pot’s last night (Apache speed and reverse proxies). Evert noted that he tried to use Lighttpd and php-fcgi, all the infamouse tricks with spawn-fcgi....

January 26, 2009 · 2 min

Fixing up anti-spam plugins in Wordpress (and other apps) for Mosso

A lot of companies moved their web applications, or parts of them, to the cloud in 2008. Some people have had issues, for others (and AWS in particular), it’s been one success story. Because some of us like to focus on the business side and not run servers ourselves, providers like Mosso (a division of Rackspace) and MediaTemple offer scalable webhosting environments available to everyone. Some of them call their offering cloud, others call it grid....

January 18, 2009 · 4 min

Drobo with DroboShare on XP, Vista, MacOSX, Ubuntu

I bought a Drobo for myself about seven months ago and I couldn’t be any happier. My files are backed up on a RAID system, I still got plenty of space to waste. My world is OK. Some friends of mine recently bought one of the new Drobo units with a DroboShare. The DroboShare costs $200 (USD) and is a glorified Linux server which exports your Drobo using Samba to all clients on the network....

January 17, 2009 · 3 min

Seven Things -- Tagged by Chuck Burgess

Thanks to Chuck, I’ve been tagged — rejoice. (Edit: I’ve also been tagged by Greg.) Now because I’m a web2 slut, it’ll be hard to tell anyone seven things which they don’t know already, but here we go anyway! Seven things Little did you know, but my middle name is Felix. I’m deadly afraid of rodents. =( By birth, I’m a real commie. I was born in Karl-Marx-City, East-Germany, before the wall came down....

January 4, 2009 · 2 min

A little pain^H^H^H^H^Java never hurt anybody

While I personally agree with some of what Luke Welling wrote in his article “PHP is not Java” for PHP Advent 2008, I also disagree with the general tone of the article and the examples he provides. The example Luke provides might be true in some respects (that it looks like Java code), but the solution offered is the best example why PHP and PHP developers are looked down on most time....

December 22, 2008 · 2 min