
[English: German content ahead. ;-)] Habe eben bemerkt, dass der Mobilfunkanbieter meines Vertrauens (die Mobilcom) jetzt zu Debitel gehört, oder anders herum. Auf jeden Fall hat sich im Zuge dieser großartigen Fusion der Kundenbereich der Login grundlegend geändert — anscheinend habe ich jetzt einen Benutzernameich muss mich mit meinem Benutzername einloggen. Auf zum Benutzernamen Der theoretische Weg zum Benutzernamen (und neuem Passwort) ist wie folgt: Ich gebe meine Telefonnummer in ein Formular ein und bekomme dafür die Kundennummer per Email zugeschickt....

October 2, 2009 · 2 min

Snow Leopard and WIFI

I updated my mother’s Mac Mini from Tiger to Snow Leopard last night and I did not enounter many issues during the one-hour-long installation (or update) process. In advance — in order to be save than sorry — we had bought an external hard drive and did a backup of her home folder (6 GB — I wish my own backup was that size ;-)). The one thing I ran into was that after the installation finished, I tried to reconnect to our wifi — but if failed....

September 27, 2009 · 2 min

A case for PEAR and PHP4 (Or, why BC is important!)

Every once in someone likes to argue that PEAR is all fugly PHP4 code and why you should not use it, and instead go and use another framework or component library. Most of those people also say that they looked at or used PEAR x years ago and then act all surprised when someone else disagrees. In related (BC) news, most people probably read my blog because of Zend Framework, and I remember that one of the reasons I sold my clients on Zend Framework was a supposedly backward compatibility and clean API....

September 22, 2009 · 5 min

My first PHP Unconfernce

I went to Hamburg last weekend to visit the PHP Unconference, which was probably my first conference ever. I’ve been to a couple barcamps and other smaller events, but anyway, this felt more like a real conference to me. That is, if I exclude ALA and the various ad:tech’s I had to go to. The reasons why I usually avoid tech conferences include foremost the price tag (working for myself, I can technically label it as an expense, but I still have to pay for it), doubts that it’ll be worth it in terms of knowledge gained and probably time....

September 18, 2009 · 3 min

Managing software deployments of your PHP applications II

This is not (really a part) two of my series, but an Intermezzo (1) between Part I and Part III — because I have no time to finish Part III. In Part I, I talked about my approach to deploying a website and I offered pear and subversion as solutions to the problem. To briefly elaborate on my subversion part, I want to share the following Capistrano recipe with you....

September 9, 2009 · 1 min