This is not (really a part) two of my series, but an Intermezzo (1) between Part I and Part III — because I have no time to finish Part III.

In Part I, I talked about my approach to deploying a website and I offered pear and subversion as solutions to the problem. To briefly elaborate on my subversion part, I want to share the following Capistrano recipe with you.

Capistrano, isn’t that Ruby?

Yes it is! Capistrano is a nifty piece of software. Not because it’s so super-duper complex, but because it’s pretty robust and works really well.

I am sure everyone heard of the “the right tool for the job” theory and this is along those lines. Please don’t be afraid of a little Ruby to ease the deployment process. (They don’t deserve your fear anyway. ;-))


On FreeBSD:

cd /usr/ports/devel/rubygem-capistrano && make install clean

On Debilian/Ubuntu:

apt-get install rubygems
gem install capistrano

Go on and create a capfile in $HOME, and this is where we’ll keep our tasks.