Zend Framework: CRUD

Update, 2012-05-24: Fixed some typos and added the screenshot (eyecandy!). I think it took me (or us) a couple attempts to get this right — let me introduce you to Zf_Crud, a CRUD controller for the Zend Framework. What’s CRUD? CRUD is an acronym and stands for: Create Read Update Delete A general purpose for CRUD are administrative interfaces — view records, create them, update them or delete them. Think of phpMyAdmin as a very general purpose CRUD interface....

May 21, 2012 · 3 min

Twitter bootstrap + Zend_Form = ♥

I dig Twitter’s bootstrap library because as a developer, it helps me produce good looking forms without a lot of effort. Especially when administration interfaces are concerned, you I can only go so far — my first constraint is not being a great designer (to confirm, check out this blog) and two: I don’t like working with ugly interfaces. To cut to the chase… Easybib_Form_Decorator It’s a decorator library for Zend_Form....

October 2, 2011 · 1 min