Bento and VirtualBox

Last week I blogged some Vagrant tips and pretty much jinxed the run I had in the past months. Here’s how: I decided to upgrade to Vagrant 1.1, which broke bento: the current bento master is incompatible with Vagrant 1.1. But selecting the right rbenv env and installing the latest available Vagrant gem (inside the rbenv environment) fixed it. My base box build, but for some reason, the guest addition setup broke and while it worked on Mac OSX, it broke the image completely on Ubuntu....

April 23, 2013 · 2 min


At the last meetup of the Berlin PHP Usergroup, Christoph gave a talk about Vagrant. Good enough of a reason to write down or re-cap some things I’ve learned with or about Vagrant over the last two years. Base boxes There are lots of base boxes available, but don’t be tempted to rely on them (e.g. via config.vm.box_url). doesn’t actually mirror images and that is a huge pain. Available base boxes tend to be outdated....

April 16, 2013 · 7 min

Vagrant sans Ruby

Development, testing, staging and production — this is how most people devide up different environments for application development. Maintenance and setup of these environments is often not a trivial goal to achieve. Having worked with a couple different code bases and setups over the last decade, I often noticed things like environment specific hacks (if ($env == 'testing') { ... }) in application code and service configurations and a lot of manual labour all around....

June 5, 2012 · 4 min

Composer and chef updates

Here are some updates on my chef resource for composer: It started off with a PR where I was asked to include code that would download (and install) a composer.phar if none existed. Not a bad idea in general, but also not something I want to impose on anyone, so I decided to create a new action (or in chef-lingo goal) instead. setup Up until now, my php_composer resource supported :install which runs php composer....

June 3, 2012 · 2 min

Deploying PHP applications: PEAR and composer resources for chef

This is something experimental I have been working on for our chef deployments. So the objective was/is to find a sane way to install PEAR packages and install dependencies with composer. execute in chef recipes In chef recipes, almost everything is a resource. In case you’re just getting started with Chef, a list of current resources is available on the Opscode Wiki. It’s a link I put in my browser bar since I frequently work on chef recipes....

February 23, 2012 · 2 min