Zend Framework: CRUD

Update, 2012-05-24: Fixed some typos and added the screenshot (eyecandy!). I think it took me (or us) a couple attempts to get this right — let me introduce you to Zf_Crud, a CRUD controller for the Zend Framework. What’s CRUD? CRUD is an acronym and stands for: Create Read Update Delete A general purpose for CRUD are administrative interfaces — view records, create them, update them or delete them. Think of phpMyAdmin as a very general purpose CRUD interface....

May 21, 2012 · 3 min

The demand web

I read a blog entry this morning entitled “The unbearable lameness of web 2.0” (scroll down for the English version). In his blog entry Kris Köhntopp states how he’s not satisfied with the status quo, and of course that he said it all before — in a nutshell, he wants a social networking standard which is adhered to across all platforms, e.g. Twitter, Facebook and whatever else there is in between....

November 27, 2010 · 3 min

Just add blame

I swore myself to only post meaningful stuff to this blog, so basically, no rants, ever. But! The discussion revolving around Twitter and Rails (versus Scala) did remind me of something: If you’ve doing PHP for a while and know people who are programming not in PHP, you probably heard it all before. PHP guys (and girls) are being look down on and mocked by people of other programming and scripting languages....

April 5, 2009 · 2 min