Debugging Zend_Test

Sometimes, I have to debug unit tests and usually this is a situation I’m trying to avoid. If I have to spend too much time debugging a test it’s usually a bad test. Which usually means that it’s too complex. However, with Zend_Test_PHPUnit_ControllerTestCase, it’s often not the actual test, but the framework. This is not just tedious for myself, it’s also not the most supportive fact when I ask my developers to write tests....

September 20, 2010 · 3 min

Selenium & Saucelenium: installation and dbus-xorg-woes

We’re about to launch a new product, and this time it’s pretty client-side-intense. The application is powered by a lot of JavaScript(-mvc) and jQuery, which do xhr calls to a ZF/CouchDB powered backend. While js-mvc has unit-testing sort of covetred, I was also looking for some integration testing, multiple browsers and all that. Selenium vs. Saucelenium I can’t really say if you want one or the other. Revisiting Selenium in general, it’s IMHO the only viable and suitable thing for a PHP shop....

September 7, 2010 · 2 min

Nginx+PHP+FastCGI: Testing your web application with bleeding edge PHP

So, every once in a while I find myself in need of trying out newer, maybe, not-yet-released features in PHP. For example, recently, I wanted to test RoundCube PHP6 — this is how I did it. On a side note, the same setup would also work for testing code with previous versions of PHP. Toolbox I used nginx and the PHP source with a little bit of ./configure and make — for kicks!...

July 5, 2009 · 2 min

Great success!

Even though I didn’t like the Borat movie very much, I still like to use his line, Great success!. But on to more important things! ;-) Last weekend, we — the Berlin PHP UserGroup (and Christian Weiske from Leipzig) — took part in what some people labeled the European PHP TestFest 2009. In a nutshell, we were writing tests to cover different PHP extensions. Here’s the outcome (numbers courtesy of Falko Menge):...

May 11, 2009 · 1 min

Slides: Testing (with) PHP

German content: These are my slides from the BEPHPUG user group meeting (2009/05/06). I hope these help others to get an overview on testing with PHP and PHP itself. I certainly hope it’s all correct too! :-)

May 7, 2009 · 1 min