Terraform and OpenStack: Boot an instance from CD-ROM

In the spirit of “this took me way too long”, here’s how to boot an instance with a CD-ROM on OpenStack, using Terraform. Why would I need this? In a perfect world, I have templates to bootstrap instances. Means, the instances are ready to go when booted. I customise them with cloud-init and let them do all kinds of cool (or necessary) stuff like configuring the network, setting hostnames, adding user accounts and then maybe joining them to a cluster....

May 13, 2021 · 3 min

Terraform: Resource not found

Here’s a few things I learned and did when I encountered the very verbose “Resource not found” error from Terraform. Debug your Infrastructure as Code More logs? This is my obvious choice or go-to. Terraform comes with different log levels though it will say itself that every level but TRACE is not to be trusted? 2021/03/02 09:21:33 [WARN] Log levels other than TRACE are currently unreliable, and are supported only for backward compatibility....

March 2, 2021 · 3 min