From Unfuddle (svn) to git

I’ve blogged about converting a Subversion repository to git a couple times. While it was a tedious process at first, I’ve made my peace with it and now cannot count the code repositories I have migrated successfully anymore. The migration usually works, except for when I deal with our old provider unfuddle. For some reason, sometimes it didn’t work right away and I had to re-run git svn clone a couple of times to get it right....

December 8, 2012 · 2 min

Mind blown: svn:ignore

As we migrate away from Subversion, I ran into this little issue today. Since it’s something which popped up time and time again and I never got around to figuring out why this happened in the first place, I decided to put it into a blog post. Problem? What I did was, I setup an svn:ignore in the root of my Subversion repository, in order to ignore modules which are installed in the app/modules structure:...

August 9, 2012 · 1 min

From Subversion to GIT (and beyond!)

Here’s a more or less simple way to migrate from Subversion to GIT(hub), this includes mapping commits and tags and what not! Authors If multiple people congtributed to your project, this is probably the toughest part. If you’re not migration from let’s say Google Code but PHP’s Subversion repository, then it’s really pretty simple indeed: the username is the email address. I found a nifty bash script to get it done (and adjusted it a little bit):...

December 9, 2011 · 5 min

Subversion dumps

This week, we just had it. The current provider we pay to host our subversion repositories is just unbearable, and so we decided to move (on) to [Unfuddle][3]. Our reason to move to Unfuddle is that they offer everything we need (and more, e.g. Git), at a pretty good price. I also heard Unfuddle a 100 times when I shopped for a recommendation. And on top of all the features, they also kick butt at support and for example offered to import our repositories right away....

July 18, 2009 · 2 min