So you want some work for free?

So last night, we had one of those Berlin PHP usergroup meetings without a speaker/talk and some of us decided to meet anyway for a drink and chat. So at first, there were three of us and then we met two people from a new startup who asked if they could join in. And so it began. Enter spiel These two people (from the startup) told us right away (I think before taking a seat), that they are looking for people who are interested in working for a startup....

June 3, 2009 · 4 min

Seven Things -- Tagged by Chuck Burgess

Thanks to Chuck, I’ve been tagged — rejoice. (Edit: I’ve also been tagged by Greg.) Now because I’m a web2 slut, it’ll be hard to tell anyone seven things which they don’t know already, but here we go anyway! Seven things Little did you know, but my middle name is Felix. I’m deadly afraid of rodents. =( By birth, I’m a real commie. I was born in Karl-Marx-City, East-Germany, before the wall came down....

January 4, 2009 · 2 min