Too much abstraction: Doctrine and PHP

Personally — I feel like I’m really, really late to get on the Doctrine train. I’ve tried Doctrine 1 a few years back and found it mostly too complicated for my needs. For all I know, I still find PEAR::DB and PEAR::MDB2 the perfect database abstraction layers (DBAL). Though of course they may or may not be totally up to date in terms of PHP etc.. The overall concept of an ORM never stuck with me....

July 6, 2012 · 5 min

Vagrant: ShellProvisioner vs. Chef

In my last blog entry, I demo’d how to get started with Vagrant and the ShellProvisioner. To further illustrate how amazingly simple it is to get started on some Ruby, I’ll convert the shell script from my last blog post to a little recipe for chef. Same objective, we install a PEAR package — but it could be anything really. Follow me. Shell This is the shell script from before:...

June 20, 2012 · 2 min

Vagrant sans Ruby

Development, testing, staging and production — this is how most people devide up different environments for application development. Maintenance and setup of these environments is often not a trivial goal to achieve. Having worked with a couple different code bases and setups over the last decade, I often noticed things like environment specific hacks (if ($env == 'testing') { ... }) in application code and service configurations and a lot of manual labour all around....

June 5, 2012 · 4 min

Composer and chef updates

Here are some updates on my chef resource for composer: It started off with a PR where I was asked to include code that would download (and install) a composer.phar if none existed. Not a bad idea in general, but also not something I want to impose on anyone, so I decided to create a new action (or in chef-lingo goal) instead. setup Up until now, my php_composer resource supported :install which runs php composer....

June 3, 2012 · 2 min

Zend Framework: CRUD

Update, 2012-05-24: Fixed some typos and added the screenshot (eyecandy!). I think it took me (or us) a couple attempts to get this right — let me introduce you to Zf_Crud, a CRUD controller for the Zend Framework. What’s CRUD? CRUD is an acronym and stands for: Create Read Update Delete A general purpose for CRUD are administrative interfaces — view records, create them, update them or delete them. Think of phpMyAdmin as a very general purpose CRUD interface....

May 21, 2012 · 3 min