Installing Varnish on Ubuntu Hardy

This is a quick and dirty rundown on how to install Varnish 2.1.x on Ubuntu Hardy (8.04 LTS). Get sources setup Add the repository to /etc/apt/sources.list: Import the key for the new repository: Installation Update sources list and install varnish: Files of importance: Double-check: Further reading I recommend a mix of the following websites/links: Varnish 2.1 documentation Wiki with lots of tutorials and examples Team Soundcloud’s varnishtop (code on Github) Fin That’s all!...

September 14, 2010 · 1 min

Shopping for a CDN

In this blog post I’ll compare different CDNs with each other, on the list are: Akamai (through MySpace) CacheFly CloudFront EdgeCast (twice, through Speedyrails) LimeLight Networks (through mydeo) … and Amazon S3 — the pseudo CDN Thanks to SpeedyRails, EasyBib (CacheFly, Cloudfront, S3) and mydeo for helping with these tests. What’s a CDN? A CDN (Content Delivery Network) is a service usually offered by Tier1’s or at least companies that have a so-called global network footprint....

June 5, 2010 · 7 min

Operating CouchDB

These are some random operational things I learned about CouchDB. While I realize that my primary use-case (a CouchDB install with currently 230+ million documents) may be oversized for many, these are still things important things to know and to consider. And I would have loved to know of some of these before we grew that large. I hope these findings are useful for others. Compaction CouchDB doesn’t take great care of diskspace — the assumption is that disk is cheap....

May 8, 2010 · 7 min

Caching for dummies

Caching is one of the things recommended whenever something is slow — “Your [database, website, server]? Well, duh! You need a cache!”. All things aside, it’s not always easy to cache stuff. I find myself often in situations where I can’t cache at all or where a caching solution is complex as hell to implement. All of the sudden you need to dissect your page and lazy load half of it with Ajax — bah....

April 6, 2010 · 3 min

Zend Framework: Slow automatic view rendering

So I posted something on Twitter today, which wasn’t exactly news to me. I was more or less pointing out the obvious. From a couple follow-up tweets, I guess, I need to explain more. The idea My thesis is that there’s a gain in page rendering time when I disable automatic view rendering and use explicit render calls ($this->render('foo');) inside my controllers. And to cut to the chase, there is. On our app, I measured a 12% improvement using Xdebug’s profiler — simple before-after-style....

March 29, 2010 · 2 min