Deploying PHP applications: PEAR and composer resources for chef

This is something experimental I have been working on for our chef deployments. So the objective was/is to find a sane way to install PEAR packages and install dependencies with composer. execute in chef recipes In chef recipes, almost everything is a resource. In case you’re just getting started with Chef, a list of current resources is available on the Opscode Wiki. It’s a link I put in my browser bar since I frequently work on chef recipes....

February 23, 2012 · 2 min

A case for PEAR and PHP4 (Or, why BC is important!)

Every once in someone likes to argue that PEAR is all fugly PHP4 code and why you should not use it, and instead go and use another framework or component library. Most of those people also say that they looked at or used PEAR x years ago and then act all surprised when someone else disagrees. In related (BC) news, most people probably read my blog because of Zend Framework, and I remember that one of the reasons I sold my clients on Zend Framework was a supposedly backward compatibility and clean API....

September 22, 2009 · 5 min

Forced contribution

I’m not exactly neutral when it comes to anything remotely related to the GPL license. Personally, there’s a bit of a GPL scare when I see code that’s released under that license and I usually try to avoid it. But (primarily) due to RoundCube being licensed under the GPL, I think I do know what it entails to release code using this license. In addition to that I have read a lot about the license, I even wasted spent three hours one night to listen to RMS....

September 7, 2009 · 5 min

Mail_Queue: 1.2.3

Despite Mail_Queue being a PHP4-compatible package, I still like to use it on current projects because it is so easy to implement and because it gets the job done. So, over the last weeks (and especially since PHP moved from CVS to SVN :-)), I put in a little time, and especially with the help of Ken, we managed to push out the 1.2.3 release today. What’s new? changed license from PHP to the (New) BSD license This is good news for two reasons....

September 4, 2009 · 3 min

Great expectations

If you ever contributed your spare time to any project which gives away something at the price of zero, you may be familiar with a large variety of feedback. It’s always reassuring for those who spend their time to get feedback from happy users. But of course there’s no way to please everyone at the same time. And aside from the usual “This doesn’t work!!!11 WTF?!!”, some people seem to be particularly ungrateful, or just way out of bounds when they email in....

July 11, 2009 · 2 min