Rotating Github (Action) secrets

So, here’s a fun problem I ran into at work: We use Github Actions to deploy all our services to Kubernetes. And in order to do a deployment, we have kube configs (as secrets) setup to connect to a Kubernetes cluster when a workflow runs. The Kubernetes config has an expiration date and will become invalid when the Kubernetes certificates are rotated (k0s takes great care of that). When they expire, the deploys fail until we update the secret on Github Actions....

February 11, 2024 · 5 min

Ansible Galaxy: Install private roles from private GitHub repositories

When I googled how to install private roles using ansible-galaxy, I found suggestions such as, “use git+…” or even better, “I am not sure what you’re doing, but it works for me (since Ansible 2.2)”. So, since neither of these suggestions helped me and because I am unable to find documentation with obvious examples, here is how you achieve this. Assuming you have your ssh key and configuration figured out, put this into requirements....

June 30, 2020 · 1 min

From Unfuddle (svn) to git

I’ve blogged about converting a Subversion repository to git a couple times. While it was a tedious process at first, I’ve made my peace with it and now cannot count the code repositories I have migrated successfully anymore. The migration usually works, except for when I deal with our old provider unfuddle. For some reason, sometimes it didn’t work right away and I had to re-run git svn clone a couple of times to get it right....

December 8, 2012 · 2 min