PHP: So you'd like to migrate from MySQL to CouchDB? - Part II

This is part II of my introductory series to move from MySQL a relational database (management) system to CouchDB. I will be using MySQL as an example. Part I of this series is available here. Recap In part I, I introduced CouchDB by explaining its basics. I continued by showing a simple request to create a document using curl (on the shell) and expanded how the same request could be written in PHP (using ext/curl) — or in HTTP_Request2 or with phpillow....

November 12, 2009 · 5 min

PHP: So you'd like to migrate from MySQL to CouchDB? - Part I

Update (2009-10-13): I posted part II! This is the first part of a series. I’ll start off by introducing CouchDB — from a PHP side, then I’ll demo a couple basic use cases and I later on, I’ll dive into migrations from MySQL. My idea is to introduce CouchDB to a world where database-driven development generally refers to MySQL. By no means, this is meant to be disrespectful to MySQL, or SQL-databases in general....

October 31, 2009 · 5 min

Introducing TillStore

Update, 2009-10-24: Fixed a bug, and committed a couple other improvements — TillStore 0.2.0 is released! I went to nosqlberlin last week and I got inspired. I listened to a lot of interesting talks — most notably about Redis, CouchDB, Riak and MongoDB (I’m omitting two talks, which of course were not less awesome than the rest!) Due to an unfortunate circumstance I had six hours to hack on stuff from Thursday to Friday....

October 24, 2009 · 2 min