Women in Tech

There is one thing which annoyed me a lot in 2011: the general topic is Women in Tech. I’m not annoyed because I don’t like women or don’t want them to attend conferences. I’m annoyed because nothing happens. Status Quo For the most part it’s guys at conference who discuss what can be done about it. For example, I don’t remember how exactly we got into this discussion at Funconf, but at the time we even had two or three women in the room when this was brought up....

December 14, 2011 · 4 min

My Berlin Buzzwords 2010 recap

I attended Berlin Buzzwords 2010 for the last two days and aside from meeting a bunch of great people during talks, here are some take away notes from this conference: I got introduced to new stuff — such as HyperTable (c++ bigtable implementation), which I had never heard of before. I actually know a lot more about hadoop, HDFS and tika now than I did before — though I won’t be able to use any a lot of it soon....

June 9, 2010 · 3 min