Ubuntu: setting up redis-server (reloaded)

I blogged about setting up redis before, here’s a small update to the situation: If you’re running Ubuntu 9.10 or 10.04.x, the most recent release available through aptitude is 1.x. Version 1.x doesn’t include many things (pubsub, etc.) which are available in 2.x. So this leaves you with two options! Compile! Compiling redis-server is simple (aka, make && sudo make install), a few things were missing (last time I checked):...

November 28, 2011 · 2 min

FreeBSD + softupdates + no space left on device

One of my older hosting servers runs into space issues constantly. And most of the time it’s a 24 GB log file (error_log) from a really old Joomla-based website. Why it gets so huge? Well, when I tail the logfile, I see messages about functions being deprecated in PHP, warnings, notices and a whole lot more literally racing by. I’m not sure if Joomla changed in recent years, but most of the code-base is a great example of how PHP applications should not be build....

November 25, 2011 · 2 min

apt-repair-sources on Ubuntu

When I ran our setup on an instance the other day, I noticed how it failed with a “package not found” (or similar) error. After debugging this a bit, we discovered that Karmic moved from “archive.ubuntu.com” to “old-releases.ubuntu.com” (Probably diskspace or something — but who knows? :-)). And because the sources pointed to the former, it broke the bootstrap process on new and existing EC2 instances and Vagrant VMs for us....

November 23, 2011 · 3 min

PHAR and FreeBSD

I noticed that archivers/pecl-phar vanished from the ports tree on one of my FreeBSD servers. Problem? Reasons to remove the port were: the port is unmaintained the port was based on the outdated phar extension from pecl phar (in pecl) contains open security issues The simple solution is to create a new port which of course will use the phar which is bundled in PHP’s core. And I will get to that (but feel free to beat me at it ;-))....

November 6, 2011 · 1 min

WPML: icl_object_id() and custom post types

Digressing from my usual grounds, I moonlighted a bit on a Wordpress project in September. One of the project’s goals was to make the entire website bi-lingual: French and German (or the way around?). And once multi-lingual is an object, WPML is the plugin to use (as far as Wordpress is concerned). WMPL in a nutshell WPML is a commercial plugin — and as far as I am concerned: it’s money well spend....

October 28, 2011 · 3 min