Ubuntu: nginx+php-cgi on a socket

Moving our PHP application into the cloud, means for us that we are leaving FreeBSD for Linux. Not the best move (IMHO), but I shall elaborate on this in a future blog post. Once we decided on Ubuntu as the Linux of our choice, I started by moving our development server to an instance on Slicehost. Point taken, Slicehost is not the cloud (as in Amazon EC2, Rackspace, Flexiscale or GoGrid) yet, but Linux on Slicehost and Linux on Amazon EC2 will be alike (or so I hope :-)) and a getting a small slice versus getting a small EC2 instance is an economical decision in the end....

July 31, 2009 · 2 min

BEPHPUG: Debugging mit Eclipse und Xdebug

Mostly German content ahead! Die Berliner PHP Usergroup trifft sich am 5. August, ab 20:30 Uhr, in der Z-Bar. Thema: Debugging mit Eclipse und Xdebug (Vortragender: Marthin Rothenberger) Adresse: Teilnahme: kostenlos ( In English: The next meetup of the Berlin PHP Usergroup will take place on the 5th August, 2009. We’ll meet at Z-Bar, at around 8:30 PM. This meetup’s topic is Debugging with Eclipse and Xdebug. Feel free to join....

July 29, 2009 · 1 min

Subversion dumps

This week, we just had it. The current provider we pay to host our subversion repositories is just unbearable, and so we decided to move (on) to [Unfuddle][3]. Our reason to move to Unfuddle is that they offer everything we need (and more, e.g. Git), at a pretty good price. I also heard Unfuddle a 100 times when I shopped for a recommendation. And on top of all the features, they also kick butt at support and for example offered to import our repositories right away....

July 18, 2009 · 2 min

Great expectations

If you ever contributed your spare time to any project which gives away something at the price of zero, you may be familiar with a large variety of feedback. It’s always reassuring for those who spend their time to get feedback from happy users. But of course there’s no way to please everyone at the same time. And aside from the usual “This doesn’t work!!!11 WTF?!!”, some people seem to be particularly ungrateful, or just way out of bounds when they email in....

July 11, 2009 · 2 min

Nginx+PHP+FastCGI: Testing your web application with bleeding edge PHP

So, every once in a while I find myself in need of trying out newer, maybe, not-yet-released features in PHP. For example, recently, I wanted to test RoundCube PHP6 — this is how I did it. On a side note, the same setup would also work for testing code with previous versions of PHP. Toolbox I used nginx and the PHP source with a little bit of ./configure and make — for kicks!...

July 5, 2009 · 2 min