PHP: So you'd like to migrate from MySQL to CouchDB? - Part II

This is part II of my introductory series to move from MySQL a relational database (management) system to CouchDB. I will be using MySQL as an example. Part I of this series is available here. Recap In part I, I introduced CouchDB by explaining its basics. I continued by showing a simple request to create a document using curl (on the shell) and expanded how the same request could be written in PHP (using ext/curl) — or in HTTP_Request2 or with phpillow....

November 12, 2009 · 5 min

CouchDB: checkpointing on view building

I’m posting about this tidbit because Google seemed to know nothing about it. Anyway, during the view building process, we may see the following in the couchdb.log (level = info, at least, in local.ini): [...] [info] [...] checkpointing view update at seq 78163851 for citations _design/erlang [...] [debug] [...] New task status for citations _design/erlang: Processed 17844590 of 107444308 changes (16%) [...] [debug] [...] New task status for citations _design/erlang: Processed 17848060 of 107444308 changes (16%) [....

November 4, 2009 · 2 min

PHP: So you'd like to migrate from MySQL to CouchDB? - Part I

Update (2009-10-13): I posted part II! This is the first part of a series. I’ll start off by introducing CouchDB — from a PHP side, then I’ll demo a couple basic use cases and I later on, I’ll dive into migrations from MySQL. My idea is to introduce CouchDB to a world where database-driven development generally refers to MySQL. By no means, this is meant to be disrespectful to MySQL, or SQL-databases in general....

October 31, 2009 · 5 min

Dear Wordpress'rs, or, What is GPL?

Not sure if anyone has watched this yet, but Matt’s latest video contains important misconceptions about the GPL. Matt says (5:22): * So a common misconception about the GPL is that, like let’s say, I’m hired to make a theme for a client. Does that theme fall under the GPL? And the answer is, no! Because it’s not being distributed. Uhm, when something is distributed it’s available for download to the public, you’re selling it in a store, you know, it’s sort of mass-distribution....

October 29, 2009 · 3 min

Introducing TillStore

Update, 2009-10-24: Fixed a bug, and committed a couple other improvements — TillStore 0.2.0 is released! I went to nosqlberlin last week and I got inspired. I listened to a lot of interesting talks — most notably about Redis, CouchDB, Riak and MongoDB (I’m omitting two talks, which of course were not less awesome than the rest!) Due to an unfortunate circumstance I had six hours to hack on stuff from Thursday to Friday....

October 24, 2009 · 2 min