PHP: So you'd like to migrate from MySQL to CouchDB? - Part III

This is part three of a beginner series for people with a MySQL/PHP background. Apologies for the delay, this blog entry has been in draft since the 13th December of last year (2009). Follow these links for the previous parts: part I part II Recap Part I introduced the CouchDB basics which included basic requests using PHP and cURL. Part II focused on create, read, update and delete operations in CouchDB....

May 17, 2010 · 3 min

EC2 security group owner ID

I recently had the pleasure to setup an RDS instance and it took me a while to figure out what the --ec2-security-group-owner-id parameter needs to be populated with when you want to allow access to your RDS instance from instances with a certain security group. To cut to the chase, you need to log into AWS and then click the following link — done.

May 9, 2010 · 1 min

Operating CouchDB

These are some random operational things I learned about CouchDB. While I realize that my primary use-case (a CouchDB install with currently 230+ million documents) may be oversized for many, these are still things important things to know and to consider. And I would have loved to know of some of these before we grew that large. I hope these findings are useful for others. Compaction CouchDB doesn’t take great care of diskspace — the assumption is that disk is cheap....

May 8, 2010 · 7 min

The Slicehost-Cogent-Outage, or How to setup a relay with Postfix

Our problem is that an application hosted on Slicehost uses an external mailserver, which is located in Europe. Since neither Slicehost/Rackspace or Cogent seem to be able to fix the situation after almost two days, here’s a quick workaround. The idea is that our relay will collect emails and send them whenever the connection permits. Postfix install This is a pretty simple: Configuration Edit /etc/postfix/ (this is my entire main....

May 5, 2010 · 1 min

start-stop-daemon, Gearman and a little PHP

The scope of this blog entry is to give you a quick and dirty demo for start-stop-daemon together with a short use case on Gearman (all on Ubuntu). In this example, I’m using the start-stop-daemon to handle my Gearman workers through an init.d script. Gearman Gearman is a queue! But unlike for example most of the backends to Zend_Queue, Gearman provides a little more than just a message queue to send — well — messages from sender to receiver....

April 22, 2010 · 2 min