Zend Framework: Writing an IN-Clause with Zend_Db

I’m currently running a little database analysis to see how many of our users might be affected by Gawker’s breach of security the other week. Since we use Zend Framework, Zend_Db is our weapon of choice. Running the queries I noticed, that Zend_Db doesn’t seem to support an IN-clause with a straight fetchAll(). The IN-clause is only supported when I wrap my statement with Zend_Db_Select, which is something I rarely do....

December 19, 2010 · 2 min

Operating CouchDB II

A couple months ago, I wrote an article titled Operation CouchDB. I noticed that a lot of people still visit my blog for this particular post, so this is an update to the situation. And no, you may not copy and paste this or any other of my blog posts unless you ask me. ;-) Caching revisited A while back I wrote about how caching is trivial with CouchDB — well sort of....

November 30, 2010 · 6 min

Tracking PHP errors

track_errors provides the means to catch an error message emitted from PHP. It’s something I like to use during the development of various applications, or to get a handle on legacy code. Here are a few examples why! For example Imagine the following remote HTTP call: So whenever this call fails, it will return false and also emit an error message: Some people use @ to suppress this error message — an absolute no-go for reasons such as:...

November 27, 2010 · 2 min

The demand web

I read a blog entry this morning entitled “The unbearable lameness of web 2.0” (scroll down for the English version). In his blog entry Kris Köhntopp states how he’s not satisfied with the status quo, and of course that he said it all before — in a nutshell, he wants a social networking standard which is adhered to across all platforms, e.g. Twitter, Facebook and whatever else there is in between....

November 27, 2010 · 3 min

Magento: Loading the product from a template

When I wrangle with Magento Commerce and customize anything, every other bit is of course tied to a product’s ID, or sometimes entity ID. The challenging part is that whenever you’re in a template in Magento, the scope is very different from the previous one. This is sometimes frustrating, but when you think of it — it makes sense. That is, in Magento! ;-) Magento works in blocks and each block is basically a class file, of course $this is never the same....

November 24, 2010 · 2 min