Even though I didn’t like the Borat movie very much, I still like to use his line, Great success!. But on to more important things! ;-)
Last weekend, we — the Berlin PHP UserGroup (and Christian Weiske from Leipzig) — took part in what some people labeled the European PHP TestFest 2009. In a nutshell, we were writing tests to cover different PHP extensions.
Here’s the outcome (numbers courtesy of Falko Menge):
Extension Code Coverage Line Coverage New Tests
gettext 62.8 -> 98.8 % 54 -> 85 / 86 lines 19
intl/idn 11.6 -> 81.4 % 5 -> 35 / 43 lines 3
sockets 32.9 -> 70.5 % 282 -> 604 / 857 lines 23
posix 47.9 -> 70.0 % 147 -> 215 / 307 lines 16
xsl 67.3 -> 77.1 % 350 -> 401 / 520 lines 19
Our tests are available on a github repository and synced to the offical TestFest subversion repository.
I think we had a lot of fun, even recruited a couple newbies :-) to the whole testing thing. I want to extend my gratitude once more to everyone (Tim, Moritz, Robin, Falko, Christian, Jan and Florian) who showed up and helped us to improve PHP.
Great effort!