So the other day, I wanted to quickly check something in BigCouch and thanks to Vagrant, chef(-solo) and a couple cookbooks — courtesy of Cloudant — this was exceptionally easy.

As a matter of fact, I had BigCouch running and setup within literally minutes.

Here’s how.


You’ll need git, Ruby, gems and Vagrant (along with Virtualbox) installed. If you need help with those items, I suggest you check out my previous blog post called Getting the most out of Chef with Scalarium and vagrant.

For operating system to use, I suggest you get a Ubuntu 10.04 box (aka Lucid).

Vagrant (along with Ruby and Virtualbox) is a one time setup which you can use and abuse for all kinds of things, so don’t worry about the extra steps.


Clone the cookbooks in $HOME:

Create a vagrant environement:

Setup ~/bigcouch-test/Vagrantfile:

Start the vm:

Use BigCouch

Done. (You should see processes located in /opt/bigcouch.)


That’s all — for an added bonus you could open BigCouch’s ports on the VM use it from your host system because otherwise this is all a matter of localhost. See config.vm.forward_port in your Vagrantfile.