Yesterday, Jeff Barr announced Amazon’s own PHP SDK for their web services — own, because AWS hired CloudFusion’s lead developer earlier this year (in March) and I guess after a while they decided it was time to incorporate his open source efforts into the company. The full story is on

So what?

What’s more than just pretty interesting about all of this, is that not only is the AWS PHP SDK hosted on Github (bonus points for sure), but since it implements almost the entire API of all infrastructural services and is backed by the API provider, this library currently presents the most feasible way for PHP developers to work with AWS. And to add to that, the library is fully documented as well.

Having worked myself on various small wrappers for the EC2 and SNS web services, I’m really somewhat glad that I can stop working on them now and continue implementing the web services.


Amazon’s move is also another victory for PEAR (and of course Pirum) because it brings more acceptance to the distribution of PHP libraries using a PEAR Channel.

The SDK’s channel is the following:


The flipside

There are absolutely no unit tests included anywhere. But since I’m _ass_uming that they exist indeed, I hope they will be open sourced before not too long. Or in case they don’t (What’s up with that?), that pull requests will be accepted so the community will be able to contribute some.